The Centennial Commission was established by Mayor Dennis Phillips in September 2014. The Commission exists to organize a meaningful and enjoyable celebration of Kingsport’s 100th birthday that appeals to all ages of people with ties to the City and honors Kingsport’s diverse heritage, present community, and promising future. The theme for the celebration is The Kingsport Spirit. Over the last year, dozens of volunteers have been hard at work designing, planning, and organizing the yearlong celebration. It truly is another example of The Kingsport Spirit. As plans firm-up and actions start to happen, we will hear more and more about the celebration. 2017 is not that far away. Kingsport is a unique and wonderful place. We know this. We feel this. And in 2017, we will celebrate this. It’s good to celebrate. It’s good to live in Kingsport. Happy early centennial Kingsport!